poniedziałek, 23 lutego 2015

remember these phrases!

1. Czym się martwisz?
What are you worried about?

2. Do kogo należy ta książka?
Who does this book belong to?

3. Z czego jesteś dumna?
What are you proud of?

4. Czego się boisz?
What are you afraid of?

5. W czym jesteś dobry?
What are you good at?

6. Czym się interesujesz?
What are you interested in?

7. Nie śmiej się ze mnie.
Don't laugh at me.

8. Na kogo jesteś zła?
Who are you angry with?

9. O co jesteś zła?
What are you angry about?

10. O czym myślisz?
What are you thinking about?

11. Co myślisz o moich nowych butach?
What do you think of my new shoes?

12. Marzę o nowym samochodzie.
I'm dreaming of a new car.

13. Śnił mi się nowy samochód.
I dreamed about a new car.

14. Bądź dla niej miły.
Be kind to her.

sobota, 21 lutego 2015

passive voice in our Warsaw everyday life :)

PASSIVE VOICE: do you understand it? Watch the video!

CINEMA vocabulary revision

PASSIVE VOICE more practice!

short test

The short test on Monday 23 February will focus on CINEMA VOCABULARY from the coursebook, vocabulary bank section on page 159.


Homework for Monday 23 February 2015:
WORKBOOK passive voice exercise 2 unit 6a

writing homework

What was your life like as a child/teenager/student? What did a typical day look like? What does your typical day look like now? What has changed? Is it a change for better or for worse?

Describe your typical day in the past and your typical day now. Think about: FOOD / FREE TIME / FRIENDS / FAMILY or any other things that come to your mind :)!

Make use of such phrases as: USED TO / DIDN'T USE TO / NORMALLY / USUALLY

Send your reflections at my email. Make your English better and better :)! 

wtorek, 17 lutego 2015


Homework for the next English class on Wednesday 18 February:
WORKBOOK exercises 1 unit 6a page 37

niedziela, 15 lutego 2015

short test

The short tests on both next classes on Monday 16 February and Wednesday 18 February will focus on JENNY and ROB vocabulary and phrases which you can find in the presentation below:
MONDAY 16 February = 2nd episode
WEDNESDAY 18 February = 3rd episode

czwartek, 12 lutego 2015


Homework for the next English class on Monday 16 February:
WORKBOOK pages 23,36

wtorek, 10 lutego 2015

short test

The short test on Wednesday 11 February will focus on RELATIONSHIPS vocabulary from page 158 of the student's book.

writing term test correction

Can you correct the writing mistakes after the term test? Find your group below and have a look at the examples.

INTER 1 is the 17:40 group.
INTER 2 is the 19:20 group.

poniedziałek, 2 lutego 2015

speaking self-correction for 19:20-20:50 group

Can you correct the parts in bold or translate into English?
     They see not often because she's living abroad.
     Basia told that they never lost touch.
     Basia hopes they stay friends forever.
     Maciej believe they will stay friends to the end of their life.
     They are calling and meeting every week.
     Magda knows him for about two years.
     one times on week
     She's name is ...
     They never lost touch.
     Małgosia is knowing her friend from 15 years.
      wrażliwość = s______________
     The best friend of Alina is ...
     They meet together in work 6 years ago.
     She was jealous about our friendship.
     They sometimes go to the vacation.
     They haven't too many free time so they meet during the weekend.
     She has hope they will stay friends together.
     They known for seven years.
     Robert think they will stay friends forever.
     They have a lot of common.
     She like the same spend time.
     Her friend don't have big time. (Nie ma dużo czasu).
     They are in touch twice in month.

     matka chrzestna = g__________


Homework for the next English class on Monday 09 February:
READING ex. 1 c,d page 48 coursebook
WORKBOOK unit 5b

Speaking comments self-correction!

Can you correct the parts in bold or translate into English?
     two times for month
     She name's Iwona.
     She knows her for about eight years.
     the same friends = m__________ friends
     once two weeks = co dwa tygodnie = e________ o__________ w________
     Ania have known her friend for 30 years.
     She know him all her life.
     two times a month
     Kłótnia zazwyczaj zajmuje 15 minut = The argument usually t________ 15 minutes.
     She knows her friend for 10 years.
     They see each other seldom.
     Anita have known Ela for 20 years.
     She knows her for 5 years.
     She get on well with Magda.
     They are never argue.
     They have seen each other every day.
     They are never lost touch.